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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Luftwaffe Commander System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-06-28 01:35:33 Views : 21636 Cheat : Tip: Switching between the full cockpit view (F1) and the gun-sight-only view (F4) will allow you to track enemy threats accurately on the GCI gauge while still offering maximum forward visibility. The game's clunky padlock view won't permit you to "check six" as efficiently as the GCI gauge can, so toggle back to it regularly and keep hitting the T key like a demon. Tip: The huge blind spot behind your plane can be occupied by an enemy fighter very quickly. It's best to keep wagging your plane back and forth when chasing down an opponent because one of his wingmen may have slotted into a perfect shooting position without your knowing about it. Tip: Conserve your ammo! This is especially critical when flying the Heinkel in the Spanish Civil War campaign because it will often take the entire magazine to down a single enemy plane. (The damage modeling in the game can be woefully off-target.) Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Luftwaffe Commander cheat codes.
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